
If you want to know more about this topic, you may consult the following documents.


Association canadienne des ergothérapeutes. Profil de la pratique du personnel auxiliaire en ergothérapie. Ottawa (Ontario): CAOT Publications ACE; 2009.


Buchan J, Dal Poz MR. Skill mix in the health care workforce: reviewing the evidence. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2002;80(7):575-80.


Carrier A, Levasseur M, Mullins G. Accessibility of occupational therapy community services: a legal, ethical, and clinical analysis. Occupational Therapy in Health Care. 2010;24(4):360-76.


Cloutier E, David H, Ledoux É, Bourdouxhe M, Teiger C, Gagnon I, et al. Importance de l’organisation du travail comme soutien aux stratégies protectrices des AFS et des infirmières des services de soins et de maintien à domicile.: Institut de Recherche en Santé et Sécurité au Travail (IRSST)2006. Report No.: RR-453.


Guay, M. (2012) Enjeux entourant le recours au personnel auxiliaire en ergothérapie. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy – Revue canadienne d’ergothérapie. 79 (2), 116-127. doi :10.2182/cjot.2012.79.1.1.


Guay, M., Desrosiers, J. & Dubois, M.-F. (2009). Criterion validity of a home health aide’s algorithm for recommending bathroom equipment. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy – Revue canadienne d’ergothérapie, 76 (Special issue Influencing Policy to Advance Practice), 246-256.


Guay, M., Desrosiers, J. & Dubois, M.-F. (2010). Does the clinical context affect the validity of bathroom recommendations made by home health aides? International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 40(1), 82-89.


Guay, M., Dubois, M.-F., Desrosiers, J. & Robitaille, J. Identifying characteristics of “straightforward cases” for which support personnel could recommend home bathing equipment. British Journal of Occupational Therapy.


Guay, M., Dubois, M.-F., Desrosiers, J., Robitaille, J. & Charest, J. (2010). The use of skill mix in home-care occupational therapy with patients with bathing difficulties. International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation, 17(6), 300-308.


Guay, M., Levasseur, M., Turgeon-Londei, S., Dubois, M.-F. and Desrosiers, J. Support Needed by Home Health Aides in Choosing Bathing Equipment: Exploring New Challenges for Occupational Therapy Collaboration. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation.


Hagler P, Madill H, Kennedy L. Facing choices about our beliefs regarding support personnel. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy - Revue canadienne d'ergothérapie. 1994;61(4):215-8.


Hagler P, Madill H, Warren S, Loomis J, Elliot D, Pain K. Role and use of support personnel in the rehabilitation disciplines. Ottawa (Ontario): National Health Research and Development Program; 1993.


Institut canadien d’information sur la santé. Tendances de la main-d’oeuvre chez les ergothérapeutes au Canada, 2007. Ottawa (Ontario): Institut canadien d’information sur la santé2008.


Madet C. Planification de la main-d'oeuvre dans le secteur de la réadaptation: Ministère de la santé et des services sociaux du Québec; 2008.


Naik AD, Concato J, Gill TM. Bathing disability in community-living older persons: common, consequential, and complex. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2004;52(11):1805-10.


Nancarrow SA, Borthwick AM. Dynamic professional boundaries in the healthcare workforce. Sociol Health Illn. 2005;27(7):897-919.


Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec. Participation du personnel non-ergothérapeute à la prestation des services d'ergothérapie. Lignes directrices (OEQ, 2005) - addenda (OEQ, 2008). Montréal (Québec): Ordre des ergothérapeutes du Québec; 2008.


Salvatori P. The history of occupational therapy assistants in Canada: a comparison with the United States. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy - Revue canadienne d'ergothérapie. 2001; 68(4):217-27.


Strickland A. Response to the report on the study of the role and use of support personnel in the rehabilitation disciplines. Canadian Journal of Occupational Therapy - Revue canadienne d'ergothérapie. 1993; 60(5):228-31.